Sorry guys. It seems I’m always waiting for the perfect moment to write about previous events. Either I’m waiting to get pictures back or just want to take some time to organize my thoughts. Unfortunately what ends up happening is the obvious. I do no writing at all.
I’ll do some catching up and promise not to make excuses in the future for delays. I dropped 5 rolls of film off to be developed and will be picking them up tomorrow. So stayed tuned…
Did I mention I’ve been going stir crazy? Right now I have no phone service (landline), the cable has been out for almost two and half weeks (they say it will be fixed on Friday), and have no internet service. Jeff and I have been frequenting Starbucks where we’ve been paying $10 a day to use their TMobile wireless hotspot.
In addition I’ve been to bookstore 3 times and have purchased the following books (with no internet or TV I thought catching up on some reading would be a really good idea):
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
- Magic or Madness
- Winkie
- City of Bones
- Tipping Point
- The Children of Now (not to be confused with…)
- The Children of Men
- I am Legend (Now a major motion picture with Will Smith which I believe is scheduled to come out Dec. of this year)
- The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
- Way of the Peaceful Warrior
And now for the much awaited information on the topic in the subject line…
I had some packages of cookies left over from my trip to Canada and decided to put them on the dining room table. I pulled them out of my suitcase, walked down the hall towards the dining room. When I got close enough I tossed the package on to the table. I almost had a heart attack when I saw a f!@#-ing mouse run in the opposite direction and in between the cookies I had just tossed and a candle stick holder. WTF?? On the table??!?! There was a freaking mouse on my table! Oh my god. I’m still freaking. But this leads me to ask, how on earth did a mouse get on a table that’s 4 feet high?? yuuuuuuuuuck. There will be no more debate. I’m definitely bringing the cats over to my place. Unfortunately only Charlie still has claws. Bloopy however is still young and very active. I plan on bringing them both over. I imagine Bloopy, the little trouble maker he is, can lure the mouse out while Charlie tears him up.
Oh my god… I hate mice!!! and spiders, and roaches, and well… I’m sure you understand. And with that I’ll conclude my post for the day. ewwwwwwww… :shudders while walking away: