I’m a person of few addictions. Unfortunately some of those addictions include electronics and shopping, and/or shopping for electronics. This weekend we spontaneously decided to buy another Xbox 360. My other one is still in FL. I left it with John, and since he bought Halo 3 I felt evil taking it away from him.
I was really excited about the release of Guitar Hero III and so I talked Jeff into getting another Xbox. Apparently the original 360 wasn’t good enough for Jeff. He wanted the Elite. For those of you unfamiliar with gaming consoles, the Elite is a black Xbox 360. It’s kind of sexy if I do say so myself. In addition to being black it also comes with a 120 GB hard drive, HDMI cable, black wireless controller, and a black headset.
We also got Halo 3, Gears of War, and Spiderman 3. I reserved Rock Band and Guitar Hero III. Jeff is actually on his way to pick it up as I type this. God I can’t wait to play. Guitar Hero III has online multi player capabilities, need I say more?
Ok, I must get back to my freelance work so that I can leave a little time open to play tonight.
Much Love,