Who turned on the furnace in here? The weather has been absolutely disgusting. I’ve been taking a second shower at 2 a.m. for the last few nights in a row. I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I didn’t. Shower time is approaching. I can’t stand feeling as though I have a film of oil and sweat all over my body. Bleh!
“Aren’t you moving to FL soon?” I am indeed. But at least down there I have central air. I don’t recall ever feeling this icky while living down south.
As if the heat weren’t bad enough, I had to deal with someone blaring their stereo this afternoon at unreasonable decibels. It wasn’t even music! It was talk radio! …. on for 10… straight… hours!
Around 9:30 pm I could hear someone in the next building yelling “TURN IT DOWN ALREADY!” to no avail. She also spent ten minutes loudly and angrily banging her pots and pans. Needless to say this did not help the noise pollution.
By 10 pm I had had enough and decided I was going to call the police; a sure sign of getting old. One could argue that closing the windows might have blocked out some of the sound and I would agree. However please refer to paragraph 1. I needed all the air I could get, closing the windows wasn’t an option.
I asked Jeff to grab the phone from the bedroom and before I got a chance to dial the local precinct’s number the noise miraculously stopped. Perhaps I should have tried calling the cops a few hours earlier.