After waiting over 40 minutes for car service, I met Jeff at an awesome little Italian restaurant on 7th avenue called Sotto Vocce. The food was amazing. I had veal rolled in prosciutto with wild mushrooms in a brandy sauce and garlic mashed potatoes. Delicious!
We ordered a bottle of White Zinfandel wine and enjoyed our meal while watching witch costume dressed passersby heading towards various bookstores in the area. There was even a table full of girls in Hogwarts uniforms diagonally from us. During dinner Jeff mentioned how long the line outside of Barnes and Noble had gotten (it was only 9:00 pm at this point) and we both agreed we were glad about getting our wrist bands in advance.
After eating dinner we tipsily walked over to Barnes and Noble at around 10:45 pm. The line started in front of the store on the corner of 6th street and 7th ave and went all the way around the opposite corner (5th st) heading towards 8th Ave. It was then that Jeff and I laughed, realizing that if we hadn’t already put on our bracelets they might have actually been worth some money.
First in line was a group of four girls. They were sitting in a large paper mache replica of Ron’s flying car complete with protruding tree branches (from the whomping willow I suspect.)
Once inside the store I was able to take a picture with a huge painted Hagred which I believe was painted to be life size. Needless to say, it was huge. Downstairs we were required to stand in line to enter the children’s section where they were having potion demonstrations, arts and craft activities, Polaroids being taken with a Harry Potter cut out, and lastly a palm reader. By the time the potions demonstration was done, I had regretted standing in line to even get in. At this point it was nearing 11:30 pm and I figured we might as well take our place in line to get our books.
The A line started in the first section of shelves right outside of the children’s area. I was standing until I started to feel hot and nauseous. Sitting on the floor was necessary though I was afraid I’d get trampled once the line started moving. It was from that angle that I took the bookshelf shot which you’ll find in my Harry Potter Midnight Madness Party set on Flickr.
When the line finally started moving it went incredibly fast. Every cashier was open and ready with prepackaged book filled bags. As I paid for my book I could hear shouts of “Keep the line moving!” and “Please exit as soon as you’ve gotten your book!” Outside the corner was overcrowded by people with cameras taking snapshots of those walking out with their books. If I had known they were outside waiting I would have held up my book and posed. Alas, I missed a good photo opportunity though it’s quite alright since I took a few shots of me and Harry the next day.
I guess it’s good this is the release of the last book. I’m pretty sure I would not go to another one. It seemed that there was more exciting things going on at the Barnes and Noble in Union Square including interviews with Hagred, stilt walkers and balloons falling from the sky. I’m now questioning as to why I didn’t go to that Barnes and Noble instead.
All in all I didn’t feel it was worth the time to get the bracelet, stand in line at midnight, or witness any of the activities being held in the children’s section. Perhaps if I had let the palm reader read my palm she might have told me that I was wasting my time and that I was better off at home sleeping. I’m not sure why I felt I needed to have the book at midnight since I didn’t really start reading it till the next day anyway. I wonder how many emails I’ll get in reference to my blasphemous words (lol).
So you see… I’m not a fanatic after all.
Anyway, here are a few links for those that are:
Union Square Midnight Madness Party
Barnes and Noble Harry Potter Store
Harry Potter Book Clubs
J.K. Rowling’s Official Site