I just found out that I will be featured in a calendar called “She’s Crafty! – Hot Women That Sell Their Goods”. I asked to be the model for the month of September and it looks as though my wish has been granted. I’m really excited about this. The calendar will feature 12 female Etsy sellers and will also list our shop URLs. This will obviously be great exposure for all of us.
Incidentally, I’m also involved in another calendar project. This one however is a little different. I’ll actually be designing a page in a diary. Each page will be designed to include a specific day of the year. I chose to do September 14th, my birthday. We were asked to include our logos and shop URLs as well, serving as another great advertising opportunity.
Today was actually a pretty good day. I wore my “Fortune Cookies & Glory” Shirt for the first time. I imagine this doesn’t sound very exciting to you, but the truth is I could hardly get the shirt on when I first bought it. It felt really good to be able to comfortably wear it today. It served not only as a reminder of my steady weight loss but was also a nice boost of confidence.
I met up with Scott in the city today. I asked him to meet me at the Barnes and Noble in Union Square. At this point I’d like to note how hard it is trying to get a seat at Barnes and Noble. One might even be able to say that it’s more difficult than getting a seat on the train during rush hour.
That being said we decided to sit on the floor at the end of an aisle in the children’s section. We actually sat there talking for a while before we realized our conversation was inappropriate for the surrounding little virgin ears. But really, at the moment I feel no guilt. It would not have been a problem had we been able to grab some seats in the table section. “That’s cool. Let’s just never pay for a book again, we can stay here and read all day long.” Scott joked. “You think people actually do that? Just come here everyday after work and pick up the same book till they finish it?” lol — I’m not sure why I found that so funny. Probably cause I believed some people really did that. I honestly felt that for a bookstore with 4 floors they definitely not only had a shortage of tables in the eatery, but a lack of the comfy arm chairs which I’ve come so used to seeing at B&N. Scott and I speculated it was to prevent people from showing up everyday after work to read the same book until they finished it.
Jeff was able to meet up with us at the bookstore. After seeing Ratatouille we had talked a bit about going some where for French food. Jeff’s co-worker recommended a quaint little café in the lower east village called Le Gamin. Jeff ordered a Crepe with chicken and ratatouille, while I had a very un-French sandwich. Well, unless you count the baguette. I will say though, it was excellent. So good even I had to take one to go! It was definitely a pleasant dining experience and I expect that Jeff and I will be returning in the near future. Perhaps next time I’ll be a bit more adventurous and choose something much more française.
On what seemed like the never ending walk back to the train, we passed by a tattoo/piercing place called Venus. I decided to stop in and take a peek at their lip rings. I have been wanting a much simpler one with a less obnoxious ball on it. It seemed like a miss at first since a lot of the body jewelry I was being shown was made of 14K gold. She started off by showing me a cute little seamless gold ring which I just wasn’t ready to pay $110 for. They did however carry some in stainless steel and so I came home with one for about $30. It still has a ball on it but the bead is hardly noticeable. The ring itself is also significantly smaller in circumference, and gage.
:Deep Breath: Well, I think that’s all I got for now. Thanks for reading. I’m off to bed.