When I first joined Etsy back in Dec of 2006 I was so nervous. Excited, but nervous. I wasn’t sure I’d get any sales. Aside from that I was nervous about how well I’d be accepted within the Etsy community. I was really interested in meeting other crafters since none of my friends are crafters. The first thing I did to begin socializing was go into the Red chat room. It was days before I ever actually said anything. I knew that I was perceived as an outsider and didn’t want to accidentally tick anyone off.
Chat room frequenters slowly got used to seeing my user name. I clearly remember one discussion in particular about CP and MP soaps. Chat room members were talking about the differences between the two types and which one was better. Since I had no idea what CP or MP soap was it seemed like a perfect time to finally say something.
I had never really considered buying handmade soap, on Etsy none the less, but after hearing the difference between cold process and melt and pour processed soap I became curious. I started looking at the shops of the soap makers presently in the room. Who would I buy from? What scent? Fragrance posed the biggest problem. How could I possibly pick the right scent without smelling it first? I knew I was way too picky about perfume to blindly choose a fragrance.
A few sellers asked me what scents I was interested in and offered to send scent samples. There was one seller however who offered to send me an actual soap sample. When most of the scents arrived in the mail it was difficult to decide. Being in the same bag caused a melting of fragrances with an entirely new identity. Perhaps buying soap online just wasn’t for me. That’s how I felt, until I received my MP Bubble Gum soap sample from Shine Your Hiney Soap Co.
The soap was well packaged in a plastic baggie with ribbon to include a tag and tie the bag closed. It was hard not to set this shop apart from the rest. Shine Your Hiney Soap Co. was the only shop willing to send me a sample instead of just a scent soaked Q-tip. I felt valued as a customer before ever making a purchase and it’s for this reason I have not bought soap anywhere else.
Shine Your Hiney shop owner Diann Morris definitely strives to sell great products while providing excellent customer service. Full time mom and Etsy seller, she confesses that making soap is a new endeavor for her, something you’d never guess judging by the high quality of her products. “I love to make soap. It’s very therapeutic to me.” Diann shares.
In addition to maintaining two shops on Etsy, Diann also frequently sells at craft shows in the fall.
If I had to choose I’d say my current Shine Your Hiney favorites include the Bubblegum and Mulberry Pear scented soap. They smell so good my shower time has been extended by approximately 20 minutes; Extra time spent just smelling the soap. The majority of her soaps are also vegan friendly for those with allergies or sensitive skin.
When asked what kind of advice she would give other sellers she said “I’m still learning about the selling and business stuff myself (never stop learning!), but I find that since it’s something I absolutely LOVE doing, it’s FUN. I would have to say make sure it’s something you love, or it will soon become “work”, and you may lose interest. Take every opportunity handed to you, and you will soon be looking back saying ‘I can’t believe I’ve come this far!'”
To purchase some of Diann’s fantastic fanny tickling soap or scented candles, please visit:
Shine Your Hiney Soap Co. on Etsy
Auntie Di’s Delites on Etsy
Auntie Di’s Delites