Literally one of the first things I did when I got here was visit Etsy Labs. I just recently got the photographs which is why I am here writing about it 3 weeks later.
For those of you who have no idea what Etsy or Etsy Labs is here is a brief video introduction: Etsy On CBS.
Hey! How cool! I just watched that video for the second time and realized Julie was in it, a little towards the end. You’ll see a picture of us together in a minute.
It was actually a Sunday afternoon when I showed up. From what I was told Sundays are much slower days. I was a little disappointed since I was looking forward to meeting lots of Etsy admin, and Etsy Sellers. I guess I shouldn’t complain since Julie was able to give me a tour of the Labs and her undivided attention.
Upon walking in there is a cool little lounge area and kitchen. Julie walked me around and showed me the silk screening area, sewing area, jewelry making, and button machine area. I was actually most excited to see where the their 2nd birthday party took place as I was a virtual participant and got to see a web cast of the event. Approximately 60 other sellers, Psychovandal and I were in a chat room observing at the time. The interactivity was more than you would expect considering everything typed in chat was being projected on a wall at the Labs.We often noticed party guests looking up then laughing at what we said. Sometimes they even danced at our request. I also got to take a quick peek at the office space of Brie from Make magazine. I actually searched for the magazine shortly afterwards and was unable to find an issue. Does anyone know the best place to find it? I only checked Barnes and Noble.
The walls at Etsy Labs are cute and inviting as they all seem to be painted with cartoon-ish little personified characters. Not surprisingly, It turns out that the art covered walls were painted by the very talented Anda Lewis. They bare an overwhelming resemblance to the little cartoon creatures (bears?) that were used for this past year’s Valentine Showcase banner. I imagine Anda may be responsible for those as well.
Etsy Labs was not only created as headquarters but also as place for crafters to socialize and learn from each other. The labs are open from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm everyday of the week. For more information about Etsy, Etsy Garden, Etsy Labs, or workshops and events please visit the following links:
Ety Garden
Etsy Labs
Etsy Lab Workshops
For more pictures please visit:
My Visit To Etsy Labs