I was in the Etsy chat room not too long ago with a chat member who seemed to be overwhelmingly excited about a purchase she had just made. “I received my Monster Box today!” she exclaimed. Monster Box? What in the world…? No one in the room seemed to be familiar with what a Monster Box was, this of course prompted the showing of several pictures and a brief explanation.
The Monster Box in question was actually custom created by db designs. db designs is a husband and wife duo company. From what I have read on their website, there is almost nothing (art related) that Daren and Deanna Baker can’t do. The Monster Box, which is exactly what it sounds like, a monster, that is also a box, can be used for storing things. The monster’s head is hinged in the back allowing it to be flipped open.
“Ever since we were kids we have both loved and done art. Daren has been working with wood for over 20 years and I have been working with glass for about 15 years.”
In addition to working with both wood and glass, this team also has quite the Graphic Design portfolio. db designs has even had their hands involved in a large number of video game related projects (I’m so jealous!!!), industrial design projects, and their artwork has been commissioned as well.
Their Etsy shop, which includes something for anyone who loves art, is still in it’s infancy. However, with so much experience and such great products I doubt it will take long for the sales to begin pouring in.
“We make art that is intended to be playful and functional. Whimsy, color, fun and craftsmanship are what we pride our work on. We encourage you to wear, pick-up and play with as well display our work.”
Boxes and Jewelry seem to be this team’s specialty but they happily accept custom orders. The craftsmanship involved in their products is much too wonderful to pass up. That being said, I think I’d like a Monster Box for my birthday. :wink, wink: It’s September 14th for those of you that didn’t know (and for those of you that forgot.)
Some of the Baker’s work can be found at a few local galleries and the Edmonds Saturday Market.
When asked if they had any advice for other sellers they said “We don’t have many answers…we are still trying to figure it out ourselves but one thing that has always worked for us is having faith in what we are doing…always do what you love and love what you are doing!”
To read more about db designs or to buy yourself a coveted Monster Box (their wish boxes are amazing too!!) please visit:
db designs on Etsy
db designs website