A few days before the Brooklyn Indie Market I had ask Sarah if she had any advice for me as a first time seller. Here is the list she sent me:
-Business Cards
-Mark Prices by Sign or Tags
-Create Order Forms for Special Orders
-Accept Credit Cards through Propay (Seems like the last thing you would do, but I make hundreds off credit cards per day)
-Get a knucklebuster from Mr. Imprinter on Ebay
-Have a great display
-Have proper signage to attract people and let them know who you are.
-Show press
-Make a catalog
At first I wasn’t sure what she meant by show press but then I quickly realized I could include print outs of all the blogs I had been featured in. I have a pretty decent list at this point with one more to add. Vanessa from Heyprettycupcake.com emailed me to let me know she saw me mentioned in Indie Galore. Here is the direct link.