Those that know me, know how much I love music video games. That’s right, like: Frequency, Amplitude, Dance Dance Revolution, Bust-A-Groove, and Guitar Hero. An old favorite of mine is PaRappa The Rapper. I liked it so much I downloaded all the songs and made my room mate crazy listening to them (you can download my favorite, the final stage song here.)That being said I had to enter the PaRappa the Rapper loves Threadless competition.
The theme was of course “I gotta BELIEVE!” thus my submission was born. Titled “Focus”, my illustration features a PaRappa relative concentrating intently. He is holding a spoon in hopes of bending it.
Please please please help me out by voting for my submission. My entry will be up for voting for a week. The Grand Prize winner receives:
* A brand spankin new Sony PSP
* PaRappa The Rapper for PSP
* An assortment of Sony PSP games
* Exclusive PaRappa The Rapper memorabilia!
* $500 Threadless Gift Certificate (can be redeemed for $200 cash)
* $2,000 in cash
You can vote by clicking on the thumbnail below.
“You gotta do what?”
“I gotta believe!”