I’m so sorry guys. I haven’t done an Etsy Monday’s feature in a few weeks, but do not fret. I will still continue to do them in the future. I’ve just had a lot of things going on lately.
Firstly, I spent a ton of time looking for a job. I’m happy to report that I’m currently working as a paid intern at a record company in NYC. I do Graphic Design and Web related tasks (for the label’s artists), which includes but is not limited to:
- Designing Google banners
- Maintaining artist’s myspaces
- Developing and designing contest pages and e-cards
The people there are great and have made me feel incredibly welcome. My internship is supposed to end shortly before the new year. Really I’m hoping they’ll adopt me as a new member of their family. I love it there! I guess we’ll see what happens. Everyone cross your fingers for me!
Aside from that I’ve been using my days off to finish up all my freelance projects. I still have a few more to go but should have some free time beginning in November. Please stay tuned!