My website is finally up. For the next few days I’ll be doing minor tweaking, probably nothing anyone will notice. Anyway if you haven’t been to the new website yet please do so now >>

Oct 2007
My website is finally up. For the next few days I’ll be doing minor tweaking, probably nothing anyone will notice. Anyway if you haven’t been to the new website yet please do so now >>
| Tags: Desirai, Desirai Labrada, v2.0, Graphic Design, web design and development
Hello! My name is Desirai. I'm a freelance Digital Media Designer excited to tell you a little about myself in 5 totally random but interesting facts.
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Interested in working together? Feel free to download my resume and give me a call. I look forward to hearing from you.
@gmail Please please please… for the love of inbox 0, allow me to sort my entire inbox by sender. It’s 2022. @aolmail had it right ages ago. I beg of thee.
About 3 years ago from Desirai's Twitter via Twitter for iPhone
@GlobalDelight Screen Recording permissions on Catalina aren’t working. I’ve checked the box to give Capto permissions but I keep getting the pop up with instructions on how to set them. I’ve downloaded/redownloaded app directly from your website.
About 3 years ago from Desirai's Twitter via Twitter for iPhone
@simple Updated the app on my iPhone 11 Pro. My transfer contacts have disappeared and I can’t send my family the cash they need. We can’t even re-add each other. What’s going on?
About 4 years ago from Desirai's Twitter via Twitter for iPhone
@cjdenial I loved this so much. I’ve recently been practicing more kindness and empathy with my students so it really resonated with me. Out of curiosity what is the correct way to pronounce your last name?
About 5 years ago from Desirai's Twitter via Twitter for iPhone
@eathawkers I just saw the email about the Netflix Party. What a great idea. I hope you’ll do it again soon. Definitely miss joining you for lunch/dinner.
About 5 years ago from Desirai's Twitter via Twitter for iPhone
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Desirai Labrada
Orlando, FL
(347) 470-DESI (3374) |
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