Last night E.T. was on Nickelodeon. It was already 30 minutes into the movie and about that much time left before AJ’s bedtime. I was supposed to be reading him a few chapters from the Spiderwick Chronicles: A Field Guide before bed, but needless to say he was glued to TV the screen.
“This was my FAVORITE movie when I was little. I watched it a hundred times.” I told him. My comment just made him more interested. I think this upset Jeff since he was waiting for AJ’s bed time to start playing GTA IV again.
We told him we’d DVR the rest of the movie so he could watch it in the morning. This seemed to work well for him. Jeff brought up the movie guide and I was excited to see the movie was playing again the next day.
By the time we woke up today AJ was already watching it. We sat down and watched the ending with him. I can’t believe that after 26 years and watching it so many times as a child the ending STILL makes me cry. I mean, E.T. was my best friend too! I used to have a posable figurine with a thumb grip in the back that allowed you to extend his neck. God, I wonder if I still have that somewhere.
I just searched around ebay for it. I can’t remember where I got it. It might actually be this Free Macaroni and Cheese Toy. I swear if I wasn’t so broke I’d buy this Glow in The Dark Wall Clock right now!
***I’ve included the following youtube clip for those that might enjoy revisiting the ending as much as I have. Keep in mind it’s only the last ten minutes of the movie, so if you haven’t seen the movie yet (Adam) it will spoil the ending.