I was recently contacted by Cathe Holden of justsomethingimade.com about migrating her blogger blog to wordpress. (Cathe and I have been friends for a couple of years now. We ran into each other on Etsy and have been buddies ever since.) Being a huge fan of WordPress, I jumped at the chance to help her migrate her blog.
Some of Cathe’s main concerns were about losing her Google Reader and Google Friend Connect subscribers. I’m happy to report we were able to find solutions to these common migration concerns.
This is what Cathe had to say about the service we provided her:
“Of all the projects I have run through Desirai, every single one has been completed beyond my expectations. Desirai is extremely thorough and detail oriented. As a graphic designer myself, I have worked with her in several capacities, including web design and consulting and I have recently hired her to take my blog to the next level- and she continues to impress me with her knowledge and talents both in front and behind the scenes. I have recommended her for work with others in the past, including my own clients and have only heard praise as a result of those recommendations. If you are fortunate enough to get your project through to Desirai’s desk, you will be more than satisfied with the results. For more information, feel free to contact me directly at any time.”
Top Qualities: Great Results, Expert, High Integrity
Cathe Holden
JustSomethingIMade.com (A Desirai.com Production!)”
Her move is finally complete! Please check out her new blog at JustSomethingIMade.com
I’m not sure how or why it happened. I think it happened gradually, almost unknowingly. I woke up one morning and realized that my daily fluid intake consisted of nothing but soda. I’ve been feeling like utter crap lately and I’m guessing this is one of the biggest reasons why. I’m not sure what it is about drinking water that I’ve been finding so difficult. Even when I was drinking water regularly it was almost impossible to drink 6 – 8 oz glasses daily. I know I’m not the only one that has a hard time. My best friend eats right, works out and still has a difficult time pounding down all that water.
Regardless, I know how important water is and I realize this is something I have to work on. I did some research and found a list of “10 Reasons to Drink More Water”. Reading about all the benefits has motivated me a bit. Perhaps they’ll do the same for you.
10 Reasons to Drink More Water by Ririan
Check out the original article for in depth descriptions.

1. Get healthy skin.
2. Flush toxins.
3. Reduce your risk of heart attack.
4. Cushion and lube your joints and muscles.
5. Get energized and be alert.
6. Stay regular.
7. Reduce your risk of disease and infection.
8. Regulate your body temperature.
9. Burn more fat and build more muscle.
10. Get well.
It might just be the Graphic Designer in me that needs to see visuals, but I noticed having a water chart (with check off boxes) on my fridge helps significantly. Perhaps it’s the child in me looking to get rewarded for doing something good. Checking off 8 boxes a day turns out to be quite the accomplishment! I’ve made a printable version of my “Daily Water Chart” available for those suffering through the same difficulties. Please let me know if it helps!
The other day AJ was watching TV. Although it was a cartoon I recognized, it didn’t look quite the same.
“Are you watching the Transformers?” I asked.
“Yeah!” he replied.
“Hmm…. I think I like the old Transformers better.” I told him.
“What do you mean?” I could tell he needed a minute to process that. Kind of like when my 16 year old cousin asked how I knew the CareBears. Pffff….
“They used to have a Transformers cartoon when I was little.” He got excited at that.
“You mean in black and white?” he asked with child like innocence.
:sigh: Even though I clearly remember watching cartoons in color, I still feel old. My approaching birthday doesn’t help. I remember going into a panic on my 27th birthday. I went shopping and bought tons of anti aging anti wrinkle cream.
What do you guys do to stay and feel young? Please, I’d love to hear it.