Apr 2010

More Water

I’m not sure how or why it happened. I think it happened gradually, almost unknowingly. I woke up one morning and realized that my daily fluid intake consisted of nothing but soda. I’ve been feeling like utter crap lately and I’m guessing this is one of the biggest reasons why. I’m not sure what it is about drinking water that I’ve been finding so difficult. Even when I was drinking water regularly it was almost impossible to drink 6 – 8 oz glasses daily. I know I’m not the only one that has a hard time. My best friend eats right, works out and still has a difficult time pounding down all that water.

Regardless, I know how important water is and I realize this is something I have to work on. I did some research and found a list of “10 Reasons to Drink More Water”. Reading about all the benefits has motivated me a bit. Perhaps they’ll do the same for you.

10 Reasons to Drink More Water by Ririan
Check out the original article for in depth descriptions.

1. Get healthy skin.
2. Flush toxins.
3. Reduce your risk of heart attack.
4. Cushion and lube your joints and muscles.
5. Get energized and be alert.
6. Stay regular.
7. Reduce your risk of disease and infection.
8. Regulate your body temperature.
9. Burn more fat and build more muscle.
10. Get well.

It might just be the Graphic Designer in me that needs to see visuals, but I noticed having a water chart (with check off boxes) on my fridge helps significantly. Perhaps it’s the child in me looking to get rewarded for doing something good. Checking off 8 boxes a day turns out to be quite the accomplishment! I’ve made a printable version of my “Daily Water Chart” available for those suffering through the same difficulties. Please let me know if it helps!
