I know what you’re thinking. “Erasable pens? Those came out in the early 90s and they sucked.” You’re right. They did. The ink would easily smear and we were kind of screwed once we had worn our erasers down. The pens usually got tossed since they didn’t sell replacement erasers. We either learned to deal with our pen mistakes or covered them up with white out. Erasable pens were quickly forgotten… or so we thought.
I recently saw an ad for Pilot FriXion erasable gel pens. “Are they really trying to bring these back?” I thought to myself. I mean how much better could they be really? Even still, I was intrigued and couldn’t resist clicking on the ad. I was brought to http://NotJustAPen.com and was pleasantly surprised by the design of the site. Ok, let me be honest. I freaking love the site design. Can I have that script font please? I LOVE IT! Colors? AWESOME! I feel like they were trying to appeal to lovers of writing and penmanship and they had me at “Pen The Possibilities!”
Needless to stay, after checking out the website I was super excited though still skeptical. I didn’t want to be disappointed again like I was with the Sharpie Liquid Pencil. I turned to youtube for help. Someone must have made a video about the FriXion pen right?
Apparently they have erasable highlighters and pens in all different colors! I immediately marched my ass to Office Max and bought two packs of FriXion pens. One in all black and another that came with Black, Red, and Blue ink. WIN!
I know my friend Scott would probably say this post sounds way too much like an ad, but what the hell? I can’t help it. I’m a geek. These pens make me genuinely excited. I mean, thermo-sensitive ink that reacts to temperature changes which turn the ink clear? Amazing!
Next I’ll be picking up the Pilot B2P pens, the world’s first recycled pen made from plastic bottles! How cool is that?!?!
Oh, one last thing before I go. The website allows you to choose from a variety of specialty downloads that will help you get organized, get creative, and get to your goals. So be sure to check out http://NotJustAPen.com even if you’re not ready to pick up any of the Pilot pens. However, if you do happen to buy the FriXion Pens or highlighters be sure to let me know what you think!