Today was the day. I finally bought a gratitude journal. I’d been interested in starting one ever since watching “The Secret” but guess I never got around to it.
I spotted the perfect one while picking up an accordion file at Office Max this afternoon. It was a 70’s golden yellow color with damask print velor (velvet? I can never remember the difference) on the front. It instantly reminded me of my great grandmother Eulalia. I could swear they pulled the cover right off her old Brooklyn apartment walls.
It was a little more than I was looking to pay especially since it had a couple of minor flaws, but it was the last one and reminded me of Abuela Lala, and for that I was thankful.
I’d be lying if I told you I knew exactly what I wanted to write in it. I guess I’ll just start by writing 5 things I’m grateful for each night and we’ll see where it goes from there.
Do you have a gratitude journal? How long have you been keeping one? What are your thoughts on giving daily thanks? Do you feel it’s changed your thought process and your perspective on life? I’d love to hear your experience with it.